Advantages of Bog Mats: Why Should You Get It?

You might have seen bog mats before, but you do not know they are bog mats! Bog mats are solid mats that are laid on the floor to protect the ground while being a temporary solution for vehicles to cross certain terrains such as sand or dirt. You’ll be surprised how solid these bog mats are, as they can withstand heavy machinery while also protecting the environment.

Bog mats are usually seen on construction sites, but they have residential uses as well. Getting advice from experts such as GJ Bog Mats will ensure you get the most protection out of your situation. 


Why Should I Use A Bog Mat?

Bog mats are essential for construction sites as they lay as a foundation to prevent transport difficulties due to the terrain. Bog Mats are big in size, allowing the force to spread across the mats, thus absorbing the force from directly damaging the ground.

Surprisingly, bog mats of this size are really easy to install, as you just lay them on the ground and clip them together!


What Are The Benefits Of Using A Bog Mat?

Elevated Safetiness


Safetiness is the biggest reason why construction sites are willing to invest money into bog mats. The main use of bog mats is to create a temporary pathway for machinery to enter into construction sites while also keeping the pathway hazard-free, preventing accidents such as slips. 


Steady Platform

The ability of bog mats to be able to withstand heavy machinery can be improvised to be used for steady platforms. Construction equipment such as cranes or excavators require steady ground in order to work properly and safely, and this is where bog mats can come into play.


Prevent Toppling

When working on uneven ground, heavy machineries tend to topple over as the ground can be muddy or slippery, incurring a high cost if any accidents happen. Proper installation of bog mats prevents this machinery from toppling due to uneven ground or even sinking into the ground, as bog mats provide a stable surface for these machineries to travel back and forth to the construction site.


Provide Protection For Underground Utilities

Supply lines such as gas, water and electricity are installed underground as these supply lines are vulnerable and might pose a threat when damaged. Bog mats will prevent the construction works from damaging the supply lines as it prevents the ground from being damaged, allowing construction sites to conduct work without affecting the utilities’ supply. 


Conserve The Environment

Did you know bog mats actually help the environment? Bog mats are durable and wide, and it has the ability to absorb the force, preventing the ground from absorbing the full force of the heavy machinery. 

Proper use of bog mats will prevent major damage to the ground and also provide protection towards sensitive grounds such as futsal courts or hard surfaces that has the potential to crack or break.


Lower Maintenance Costs

By providing a proper pathway for heavy machinery to travel, it can significantly decrease particles such as dirt or mud from jamming the machine. The machinery will have a longer lifespan while also having lower maintenance costs, saving the business tons of money as repairs and maintenance for these machineries can be very costly. 


Should I Rent Or Buy The Bog Mats?

Depending on the usage and how frequently you are using it, you may be able to choose to hire or purchase the bog mats. If you are working on a per-project basis, hiring bog mats might be a wise choice as you are unsure if you’ll be needing it again. However, if you are in the construction industry, we highly suggest purchasing one as it can last for a very long time with proper maintenance.


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